Monday, January 16, 2012

Live up to your New Years Resolution for $29.95

If one of your New Years resolutions is to improve your prescribed medications or vitamins compliance, you're not alone.

Statistic shows (PhRMA 2011):

·  32 million Americans use three or more medicines daily
·  75% of adults are non-adherent in one or more ways

Remembering to take your medication is the KEY to compliance. e-pill offers a very simple solution called the e-pill Multi-Alarm TimeCap. For only $29.95, the e-pill Multi-Alarm TimeCap will alert you when its time to take your medication and also shows you the time and day of the week the pill bottle was “LAST OPENED.”

This simple device will help you never forget your medication again, and it will get you "on track" with your New Years resolution.

For more information about the e-pill Multi-Alarm TimeCap, please visit or contact e-pill at 1-800-549-0095.

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