Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Helpful Ways To Manage Your Parent's Medications

They took care of you your whole life, and now it is time that you take care of them.

As parents age, we as their children are faced with more responsibilities and tasks to make sure they stay as healthy as possible.

One of the tasks we may face is the organization and adherence of their medications. Whether you live close to your parents or far away, these tips can help keep your parents happy and healthy.

An Automatic Pill Dispenser May Be The Answer For your Parents.

 1. Make a list of all your parent’s medications and write a small description of what the prescription is used for. You can also request a "Brown Bag" Checkup with the local pharmacist . A Brown Bag checkup is when one will take all of their medications (OTC as well) and review them with their pharmacist.

2. Review your parent’s medications at each visit. Make sure the medications they are taking are not outdated and make sure all are refilled at the correct times. 

3. Consider getting a pill box timer or medication dispenser for your parents. This will keep them compliant and will help them avoid medication errors.  
For those whose parents live far away an e-pill MedSmart Plus may be a good idea. This is a monitored automatic pill dispenser that will alert you if after 60 minutes the dose was missed.

Helping a parent or parents manage their medications can feel like a huge burden, but by following these tips it doesn't have to be.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Asthma in the Spring

Spring is just around the corner and with beautiful spring flowers, comes not so pretty allergies. Asthma attacks and/or worsening of asthma symptoms can be triggered by seasonal allergies, which is why it is important to be prepared for the coming months.

An inhaler is going to be used more often during allergy season, so make sure you are always prepared. Visit www.epill.com to learn about our PuffMinder DOSER.

The e-pill PuffMinder DOSER will track the use of medication taken from a Metered Dose Inhaler. It will alert you once there are less than 20 inhalations in your inhaler. This is a reliable and easy to use device that will help to ensure you are never stranded without inhaler medications.

Here are some more tips on relieving seasonal allergies:

-         Stay indoors on dry windy days.
-         Always remove clothes you have been wearing outside.
-         Keep windows closed and use air conditioning in the home.
-         If you have forced air heating or air conditioning in your house, use high-efficiency filters.
-         Avoid outdoors when pollen count is high.