Friday, December 12, 2014

Inspiring True Organ Transplant Story

The Holidays are a time to be around family and loved ones. It's a time to reflect on our lives and realize how lucky we are. Health is a precious gift which is often taken for granted. e-pill devices do not just help people remember to take their meds but they also bring families together. They give families the peace of mind that their loved one is taking their medication and feeling better.

There are many people that are in need of an organ donation. SC was unaware of the urgency until 4 years ago when her husband was diagnosed with renal failure.She then became well versed on organ donation awareness and education, realizing how many people wait for an organ transplant every day. SC and her husband agonized for 4 years with the uncertainty of when or if he would receive a kidney transplant. Since the diagnosis of SC's husband renal failure he had been on dialysis four times a week for about 3 1/2 - 4 hours each visit. Dialysis was a grueling process but was necessary for his health. SC was a dedicated wife whom helped her husband cope and deal with the illness to the best of her ability. It took a lot of strength and patience to live with their new reality.

About four years passed and SC received a phone call from her husbands doctor. The call was out of the blue and totally unexpected. The doctor gave SC news that they had a kidney for her husband and that he needed to go to the hospital immediately. "It's truly amazing how one phone call can change your outlook on life.", SC stated. That same day SC's husband had surgery and was given a new kidney. After surgery SC was educated on the outpatient care of her husband by the nurses. They told her that his recovery relied heavily on his medication adherence. If her husband does not adhere to the medication his body could reject the organ and he would have to go back on dialysis.

SC knew she had to help manage her husband's medication regimen. She needed something reliable and trustworthy. She purchased the e-pill CADEX 12 Alarm and the e-pill 7 Day x 4 Large Capacity Pill Box. The combination of those two products gave them the both the peace of mind that he would take his medication on time and never miss a dose. SC's husband has been adhering to his medication regimen. He found that it was simple to incorporate into his daily routine. SC's husbands levels continue to improve and normalize. SC and her husband are thankful for the guardian angel who gave them the gift of life.

The donated organ allowed SC and her husband to have a new outlook. The little things that we all take for granted like eating spaghetti and meatballs (a renal patient is not able to eat high potassium foods) or visiting friends and family out of state is now attainable after the transplant. SC and her husband are able to enjoy life as a "normal" family without worrying about the day to day struggles of dialysis. They had a wonderful Thanksgiving and look forward to celebrating Christmas with their new outlook as an early Christmas present.

To find out more about organ donation visit

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