Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Suffering from Spring?

Spring Time

Allergies & Asthma Time!

Having been cooped inside all winter, most of us yearn for the warm days of Spring. At last, it’s here! Time to open the windows, pack away the winter clothes, do Spring cleaning, and stock up on allergy medications.

Most of us greet Spring with open arms. However, there are some who greet the new season with watery, itchy eyes, stuffy and runny noses.

Here are some ways to fight the “Allergy Blues”:

1.      Pollen can be found inside and outside your home. Keep pollen under control.  Wash bedding every week with hot water. Wash your hair and shower before going to bed since pollen can accumulate in hair.
2.      Vacuum and dust your home on a regular basis.
3.      Keep your car and house windows closed when pollen counts are high. If it’s hot, turn on your air conditioner. Make sure you’re using HEPA filters.
4.      Try to work outside i.e. lawn moving, gardening, etc on days when pollen counts are low.
5.      Take your allergy medications as needed.

If your suffer from Allergies there is a chance that you also suffer from Asthma.

Here are a few suggestions to help keep your Asthma in check this Spring:
1.      Keep a record of your asthmatic episodes. This practice can help isolate what some of your triggers might be.
2.      Peak flow readings can let you know if your Asthma is getting worse.
3.      Triggers can fall into two categories (Possible aids in parenthesis)

            Allergen related :
                        - dust mites ( mattress and pillow covers, consistent vacuuming )
                        - cockroaches ( pest control )
                        - animal dander ( consistent and quality vacuum cleaner )
                        - indoor mold
                        - pollen ( wash hair every night, wash bedding regularly )

            Non-allergy related :
                        - cigarette smoke ( air purifier can help this trigger )
                        - air pollution ( air purifier can help this trigger )
                        - cold/dry air
                        - exercise
                        - upper respiratory infections ( regular doctor visits to treat illness )

4.      Improve your environment to improve your overall condition. Once you know your triggers you can help yourself by limiting trigger exposure.
5.      Be organized and prepared. Make sure to have your inhaler or medication on your at all times in case of a flare up.

Asthma is a condition which should be monitored by a physician. After an exam a doctor may decide to treat your condition with inhalers, steroids, etc. These suggestions should be considered only after your Asthma and/or Allergies are treated by your Doctor. We hope the following suggestions can help you get the most out of Spring!

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