Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Travel With Diabetes: Having Fun While Staying Healthy

The Summer is nearly over, (whoa that went fast!) But, it isn’t too late to plan a trip before the cool air starts coming in. Packing and planning a summer getaway can be a stressful for anyone, but when you have Diabetes it can be a little more trying. Here are a few tips that can help you to stop worrying about keeping your Diabetes in check, and keep you having fun.

-         Pack more medication than you need. ( Always better to have too much than too little)
-         Keep your medical information on hand ( The CADEX 12 alarm watch is great to take with you on trips and will hold all your emergency medical information)
-         Pack snacks to take on your trip in case your blood glucose drops or delays in flights.
-         Keep time zone changes in mind so you'll know when to take medication.
-         Find out where to get medical care if needed when away from home.
-         Keep meters, test strips and insulin out of direct sunlight.
-         Stay Hydrated.

These are just a few tips, but remember to listen to your body and stay healthy!

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